Stephen J Speak

Author, Cricket Player, Soccer Coach, Teacher, Guinness-Lover, Father and Friend


Poetry Collection

By S.J. Speak

I felt sorry for a fish today;
Writhing, silver, twisting with life.
Lifetime spent teaming; mass produced strife.
Scrapping, bumping for every synthetic crumb.

Sterile test tube, almost a clone.
Cement ponds and filters are what it calls home.
Sucked into a tanker like marrow from bone.
One day of freedom, of space, sweet, water lake
Sharp eye instinct; nature now take.

Intoxication, alive for a blink;
Hoisted to a cooler, gutted in a sink.
Banks lined with locals, shoulder to toe
They know it’ll be easy; they’ve heard of the stock
Relentless, tongues dripping, they’ve taken the lot.


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Fish Feeling


